Saturday, October 18, 2014

Healing properties of guava

Guava is a nutritious fruit which is available all over the world. We see guavas almost all throughout the year. As guava is cheap and available, it meets the nutrition of people. There are a lot of health benefits of guavas.
Guavas contain vitamin C, carotinoids, potassium, fiber and calcium. Though we think orange, apple, grapes are the main source of vitamins. In fact, guavas are better than these fruits.  

From 100 gm guava, we can get 200 ml g vitamin C which is four times more than oranges. We can get plenty of vitamin C as guavas are eaten with peels. It contains sufficient amount of iron. 

Guava contains plenty of anti-oxidants and polyphenols which prevent cancer. It has herbal properties. It is effective to prevent asthma, respiratory problems, cold etc. It also helps to prevent epilepsy. 

Guava is effective to prevent constipation and increase the taste. The antioxidants Lycopen and fiber found in guava helps to prevent breast cancer. If the leaves of guava are chewed, the toothache soothed. The bark and roots of guava tree are used to cure dysentery and cholera. It also plays important role to prevent scurvy.

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