Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Healing properties of cardamom

Cardamom is a popular spice. It is found in the evergreen forests in India. It is commonly used in Indian cuisine. But cardamom has a good number of medicinal properties. It is used in Ayurvedic medicines. 
Cardamom helps boosting the digestion in the body. It prevents nausea, acidity, gas, bloating, heartburn, loss of appetite, dysentery.

Cardamom flushes out wastes from the body through kidneys. If you chew cardamoms after taking meals, it will remove halitosis. 

Cardamom helps to prevent depression. It play effective role in preventing mouth ulcer and infection. 

Cardomom prevents flu and cold. It is also efficacious in preventing bronchitis. It has been found in a study that cardamom helps to prevent cancer.

Cardamom is diuretic and rich in fibers. So it lowers blood pressure. 

Cardamom contains anti-oxidants which is beneficial for health. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Health benefits of olives

Olive is an immensely popular fruit. It is delicious and nutritious. It is available all over the world. If you eat olive regularly, you will get different health benefits from it. 
When fat is accumulated in the arteries of the heart, the risk of heart attack is increased. The anti-oxidants found in olives prevent the blocks in heart. Olives contain mono-saturated fat which is beneficial for heart. 

If you eat olives, it will help to reduce your weight. The mono-saturated fat of olives helps to bread down the fats in the body. The olive oil contains low cholesterol which helps to reduced weight and blood pressure. 

Olives especially black olives are the source of iron that helps for the proper blood circulation in the body. Olives are the best as the natural iron. 

It has been found in a study that olives help to prevent allergy. Olives contain plenty of Vitamin C that plays important role to relieve the skin infection.

Olives prevent constipation. The fibers found in the olives help to boost the digestion of the body. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why an apple every day

The proverb goes ‘Eat an apple everyday, keep the doctor away’. The apple has plenty of vitamins, minerals and iron which are essential for human health. Those who eat apples regularly suffer less from health problems.
It has been found in the scientific research that apples help to reduce the cholesterol and prevent cancer. It keeps the body fit. For this reason, it is called ‘power breakfast’. 

The people of Germany are seen often eating apples in offices, roads. It is easy to carry apples. 

Apples have plenty of Vitamin C which is essential for body. The acid found in apples act as the medicines. It is also effective to prevent throat ache and cough. 

As apple has a lot of vitamins and minerals, it is effective to reduce excessive weight of body.

Herbal remedies for relieving sinusitis

The clay poultices help for clearing the sinuses. To make a clay poultice, you should pour clay in a container and mix with water. When the dough is thick enough apply the poultice 1-2 hours in the morning and evening for several days along the sides of the nose or on the forehead.

If you inhale garlic and vinegar, it will relieve your sinusitis. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic and 1 tsp vinegar in boiling water. Breathe the vapor for 5 to 10 minutes a day with a towel or cloth on the head. It is effective to clear your sinuses. 

To calm the inflammation of the sinuses, put one drop of carrot juice in each nostril in the morning. You should put a drop of lemon juice in each nostril in the evening for antibacterial action. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Healing properties of guava

Guava is a nutritious fruit which is available all over the world. We see guavas almost all throughout the year. As guava is cheap and available, it meets the nutrition of people. There are a lot of health benefits of guavas.
Guavas contain vitamin C, carotinoids, potassium, fiber and calcium. Though we think orange, apple, grapes are the main source of vitamins. In fact, guavas are better than these fruits.  

From 100 gm guava, we can get 200 ml g vitamin C which is four times more than oranges. We can get plenty of vitamin C as guavas are eaten with peels. It contains sufficient amount of iron. 

Guava contains plenty of anti-oxidants and polyphenols which prevent cancer. It has herbal properties. It is effective to prevent asthma, respiratory problems, cold etc. It also helps to prevent epilepsy. 

Guava is effective to prevent constipation and increase the taste. The antioxidants Lycopen and fiber found in guava helps to prevent breast cancer. If the leaves of guava are chewed, the toothache soothed. The bark and roots of guava tree are used to cure dysentery and cholera. It also plays important role to prevent scurvy.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Onion peels beneficial for health

You shouldn’t dump the peels of onion in dustbin as the scientists have said that onion skins are highly beneficial for human body. 
Vanesa Benitez, a researcher of Department of Agricultural Chemistry of Autonomous University of Madrid, said, ‘The onion skins may be a way of healing diseases in a natural manner as these will be beneficial for human health.’

The team of researchers led by Benitez has worked with the scientists of Cranfield University of United Kingdom. They are conducting research so that the whole part of onion can be used. 

According to the researchers, the fiber brown skins of onions can prevent the cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal complaints, colon cancer, diabetes and obesity.  

The phenolic compounds found in the peels of onions can help to prevent coronary disease and have anti-carcinogenic properties.

Therapeutic properties of mustard oil

People all over the world use oils as these have different health benefits. Mustard oil is one the therapeutically beneficial oil which is widely use by people throughout the world. It has various healing properties.

Massaging mustard oil during winter keeps body warm. It this oil is used in the body regularly, it relieves pain of arthritis. It is effective to soothe cough, joint pain.
Mustard oil helps to decrease the level of cholesterol. As a result, the risk of heart disease is decreased. It prevents insomnia and cancer. It effectively relieves the inflammation of respiratory organs.

Mustard oil removes dandruff and accelerates the growth of hair. It relieves headache. The teeth become stronger if mustard oil is applied and soothes the toothache. It makes skin soft and glowing. The dryness of lips is removed if mustard is applied.

Mustard oil prevents constipation and clears nasal congestion. It can be used as the alternative to drop in earache. It acts as an antiseptic.

Tips for lustrous teeth

Teeth play an important role to highlight the beauty. Nowadays all take care of their teeth. It is necessary to look you beautiful when you smile. Besides, many suffer from dental problems. You can take care of your teeth at home. 
Tough eating lemon or sour foods is good for health, it may be dangerous for your health if you eat excessively. The enamel of teeth may be decayed. The sour fruits contain plenty of water. These also contain acid. These make the inside of teeth soft seriously damage teeth. 

You can eat cheese which decreases the intensity of acid and keeps teeth safe. You should avoid hard foods as these make cracks on teeth and damage teeth. 

You should avoid energy drinks or sweet foods. These are harmful for teeth. If you follow these tips, your teeth remain safe and healthy.

Meditation relieves stress

Stress not only destroys our mental calmness but causes different diseases. As a result, we have to spend a lot of money. Walter Cannon, the Physiologist of Harvard, discovered about 100 years ago that when we get stressed, the pace of blood circulation, heartbeat, muscle pressure and respiration is increased. Another researcher of Harvard Dr. Herbert Benson showed in 1967 that meditation creates reactions opposite to stress in our body. As a result, the pace of blood circulation, heartbeat, muscle pressure and respiration is kept normal. He mentioned in his book ‘The Relaxation Response’ that meditation relieves the fight or flight response created in the body due to stress and restores the calmness of mind and body. In another research, it has been found that meditation decreases the secretion of cortisol, the hormone responsible for the stress. 

The chronic stress increases the oxidative stress in our body. It accelerates the ageing process and causes deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, psoriasis. It has been found in researches that meditation reduces the oxidative stress.

Vitamin D deficiency causes erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a disorder in which a man can’t keep a firm erection for the sexual intercourse. Many reasons are behind this problem. A good number of studies have been carried out for finding out the causes of erectile dysfunction. The lack of vitamins are also responsible for this.

The deficiency of Vitamin D may be the cause of erectile dysfunction. It may darken your sex life. It has been found in a new research conducted in Italy that the lack of Vitamin D may be the cause of erectile dysfunction. 

The researchers conducted the study on 143 men with different levels of erectile dysfunction. They found that almost half of them suffered from the deficiency of Vitamin D. It is worrying that the men with the most severe erectile dysfunction cases appeared to have vitamin D levels 24% lower than those of a healthy man. 

The deficiency of Vitamin D boosts the production of free radicals that destroy nitric oxide, a molecule which helps the proper functioning of the blood vessels. As a result, the erection becomes more complicated. 

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you should consult your doctor to check the level of Vitamin D in your body. If you suffer from the deficiency of Vitamin D, take supplements to make up the deficiency.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10 tips to decrease the excessive weight of your body

Are you worried of the excessive weight of your body? You want to decrease the weight. But you can’t do so. You may think it won’t be possible to decrease the weight. But if you want, you can maintain a healthy weight of your body following some tips.
1. You should take meals on time.
2. You should avoid fatty foods.
3. You should avoid carbohydrates.
4. You should eat protein-rich foods for making up the shortage of nutrition.
5. You should eat fiber-rich foods more.
6. Soft drinks should be avoided.
7. You should do light exercise.
8. You should go to bed early.
9. You should walk half an hour daily.
10. You should lead a tension free life.

Living near highways increases the risk of hearth attack

Living near the highways may seriously increase the risk of hear attacks. It has been found in a new study. The people living beside highways are prone to heart attacks four times than the people who are obese and addicted to smoking. The women are mostly affected in this case. 

A group of US researchers said the tiny particles of highways are the main reason of it. The risk of death has already been increased 38 percent for the environment pollution. 

It has been seen in a study conducted on ten lac women aged 60 years that the risk of heart problems is increased 38 percent among those who live within 164 ft of the highways. The risk stands 6 percent among those who live within 328 ft. So you should think twice to make house which should be situated in a safe distance from gathering and vehicular movements.

Ginger: A natural home remedy

Ginger is a common herb which is widely used all over the world as a popular spice. Its scientific name is Zingiber Officinale. It is a member of Zingiberaceae family. Rhizome, the underground stem of ginger, is used fresh, powdered, dried, oil or juice. It has a good number of medicinal properties alongside as a spice.
Some therapeutic benefits of ginger are given below:
* It soothes the pain of arthritis and rheumatic fever.
* It reduces the cough due to cold.
* It boosts the digestion.
* It increases the blood circulation throughout the body.
* It reduces the abdominal cramps before the menstruation.
* The free radicals neutralizing action of ginger helps to reduce the inflammation.
* It reduces the amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
* It is effective in prevention of nausea and morning sickness.
* It tones up sex organs, cures impotency and prevents immature ejaculation.
* It contains twelve kinds of antioxidants which boosts the immune system of the body.
* The compound gingerol found in ginger has anticlotting or antiplatelet properties which keeps the blood circulation normal through the inhibition of thromboxine formation. As a result, the heart remains healthy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Some tips to energise your body

You may lack energy for various reasons which include lack of exercise, stress, poor diet etc. But if you follow some rules, you can regain your energy in a natural way.

* Take sufficient rest
After the end of daily work, your body needs proper and sufficient rest. You should sleep at least six hours a day.

* Walk
There is proverb ‘Walking is the best medicine.’ It is a proven fact. You should walk in the open air. When you walk in the open air, it fills your lungs with oxygen. It helps your body to get rid of toxic wastes which make you feel tired. Walking is the best exercise.

* Drink enough water
You should drink enough water as lack of water in the body causes dehydration without your knowledge. Dehydration makes you feel tired and fatigued. Overheated rooms, abuse of coffee, alcohol, excessively salty or sweet foods increase the fluid loss in the body. Dehydration also decreases the minerals of the body and contributes to fatigue. You should drink a glass of water after every ninety minutes.

* Do meditation or prayer
If you meditate or pray ten minutes 2 or 3 times a day, it will make you feel a state of well being and restore the energy in the body removing fatigue.

* Eat fresh fruits regularly
Eating fresh fruits regularly make you healthy. Fruits help you to maintain the sugar level in your body. The vitamins and minerals of the fruits keep you healthy naturally.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Almond : Beneficial for male reproductive health

Almond has a good number of health benefits. It has a special h property. A team of Italian researchers has recently found that if a man consumes seven almonds every day, his sperms and their quality will be increased. 

The study was conducted on 100 men in a hospital in Turin. It has been proved in the study that consuming seven almonds everyday will certainly increase the reproduction power of men. 

The participants of the study were divided into two groups. Almonds were added to the daily meals of one group and sea fishes and corns were added to the meals of other group.

The processed meat and other foods were deducted from the meals of the second group. But the foods of the first group remained normal. After a certain period of time, it was found that the reproduction power of the first group has significantly increased than the second group.  

Magical healing properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant of the succulent species like cactus. It is commonly found in Africa and Caribean. It has a good number of magical health benefits.

Aloe Vera is used to treat burn. It reduces the inflammation and provides a cooling relief. The gel of aloe vera has a soothing effect which heals the wounds. It helps to remove acne and bring a smooth complexion.

If one takes the juice of aloe vera every day, it improves the digestion, repairs skin and enhance the energy level of the body. It boosts the immune system and promotes the healthy teeth and gums. It has been found in researches that aloe assists to maintain the balance of the blood glucose which control diabetes. It relieves heartburn and reduces the inflammation of colitis. It detoxifies the body especially the digestive tract. It contains zinc, potassium, calcium and iron which are essential for human body.