Saturday, August 22, 2015

Foods for good eyesight

Eyes are the gift of Creator to us. Our eyes face tremendous pressure due to the use of computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc to keep pace with the modern age. As a result, our eyes can be vulnerable to different disorders. But some foods keep our eyes healthy.

Carrots are unparallel to keep our eyes healthy. Carotene found in carrots is good for eyes. It boosts the eyesight and lengthens the cataract. So it is necessary to eat carrots every day. The children should make accustomed to consume carrots daily. Sweet potato also contains beta carotene which is beneficial for keeping eyes healthy. 

In today’s world, everyone knows the motto of keeping oneself green or young is to take green vegetables daily. Green vegetables are essential for the health of eyes as these contain a lot of anti-oxidants and lutin which prevents the eyes from the effects of red or blue light on the retina of the eyes.   
Lycopene found in tomatoes reduces the problems caused working in excessive light. Juicy tomatoes contain fibers and mineral carotene which are essential for the eyes.

Chicken contains plenty of Zinc and Vitamin B which play a significant role to prevent the eyes from different diseases. 

Oranges contain a lot of lutin and Vitamin C which is highly beneficial for the health of the eyes. Vitamin C helps to keep the eyesight normal. 

We all know about the yolk of egg more or less. It contains lutin and a sufficient amount of Zinc which prevent the eyes from muscular degeneration which is normally seen after the age of 50 years. 

Fishes that contain Omega and fatty acid are very beneficial for the eyes. Salmon, Sardin, Cod, Tuna fishes help to keep the eyesight normal and keep eyes from safe from different problems. 

Colorful fruits such as carrot, orange, papaya, capsicum etc should keep in our daily menu as these are essential for the betterment of our eyes. 

Cabbage is another vegetable which is beneficial for the eyes. It contains plenty of Vitamin C which is good for eyes. Cabbage is cheap and it is found everywhere.

We do many things to live in this beautiful world. But we are negligent to our valuable eyes. We should be careful to our eyes.